Creek Side Gypsy Farm
Welcome, to Creek Side Gypsy Farm we are a small family farm run by my husband Albert and myself. We are located in Otsego, Minnesota 55330 (near Elk River), a small town in Central Minnesota.
Here at our farm, we raise a select few Gypsy horses. They all are of chosen bloodlines that we feel BEST depict the Gypsy horse, (Vanner, Cob) as it was when the first Gypsy Horses came to the USA in 1996. Our goal is to breed our horses true to the Breed Standards as set forth by the Gyspy Horse Registry of America (GHRA), the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society (GVHS) and the Traditional Gypsy Cob Assoc. (TGCA).
We feel we are offering others, through our horses, some of the top bloodlines in the Gypsy horse world. By researching the different bloodlines and importing those we felt were the Best for our program and also acquiring some Top of the Line USA bred horses. We also have bred out to bring in lines we feel also upgrade our breeding program. Giving you "A Piece of the Gypsy Legend!"
Prior to importing our Gypsy Horses from Belgium, they were evaluated through the Keuring process and each one that was evaluated recieved either: 1st Premium or 2nd Premium ratings, of which we are very proud of!
We currently have 4 stallions (not open to outside mares) and several mares as the foundation to our breeding program, along with an awesome gelding.
We offer a live foal gaurantee with any of our In-Utero foal purchases should a client want to go that route. We have color tested each of our horses to make it a little easier to offer possible color and pattern types of our/your expected foal(s). Payment plans can be made available to our clients to help make your purchase(s) as easy and enjoyable as we can make it. Ask us about options.
We only have a small number of foals available occasionally. We don't believe in breeding EVERY mare we have, Every year! We are trying to breed efficiently and effectively to best protect the Gypsy Horse and it's heritage. We will select a couple of our mares to breed, in a given season, to one of our stallions or to a selected outside stallion. If we hear from you, prior to breeding season (by or before April 1st of that breeding year), that you are interested in "Creating your own foal" we will offer you "our customer" the choice to pick one of our open mares and one of our available stallions to create your own, In-Utero foal. Our foals are usually ready to travel to their new family and home by 5 to 7 months of age.
We feel, we may have, the Gypsy horse(s) to best meet your needs, to make it possible for you to: Show, Ride or Drive, to any level you desire. Let us help you get where you aim to go, riding, driving or showing!
Hope this gives you a better understanding of us and our Gypsy breeding program.
Contact us to set up an appointment, for a visit to meet us and our Gypsy Horses!
***Check out our Hava-chon puppies on our 'Creek Side Puppy' page. Occasionally having puppies available.
Hope to see you soon!
Albert and/or Pam Barthel
Creek Side Gypsy Farm
Otsego, Minnesota 55330
call: 763-274-2488 (home)
email: pambrthl@aol.com
or PM me on Facebook: Pam Barthel