Creek Side Gypsy Farm
Creek Side Stallions
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Our stallions are each of the utmost quality. Each has attributes that are Breed proper and traits sought after in fine breeding. We have a traditional Red and White Tobiano stallion and our special stallion "Mack" with his Lp gene, causing his coat pattern to be "Pintaloosa" and color appearing reddish with varnish or frosted appy spotting. Joining our stallion line up in 2020 was our young stallion Frankie, watch for future announcements!
Our stallions are Not open to outside mares at this time.
Ask about possible available foals or offspring.
Thank you!

Rock Ranch Tommy Boy Mack
2008 born, Mack is a Pintaloosa patterned Gypsy Stallion.
standing 15.2 hands, flowing mane and tail and thick feather and marbled eyes.
Personality plus.
sire & dam: Rock Ranch Tomboy X Rock Ranch Dolly
color results: TT, EE, aa, Lp/n . (homozygous BLACK) PSSM1 Clear by testing

Rock Ranch Rockets Red Glare
2007 born Rocket is a gorgeous Homozygous RED tobiano grandson of Bob the Blagdon and son of Rock Ranch's Master. This stallion has produced 3 gorgeous foals for us in 2011. We are expecting a foal in 2014 from him also.
Rocket has produced several Gorgeous Proper foals for us.
Rocket stands 14.1 hands of pure beauty, he is NOT a greedy stallion, he out produces himself, giving graciously to his foals.
Color results: nT, ee, PSSM1 Clear by testing
Rocket is not open to outside mares

Rock Ranch Frankie of Creek Side
By: Rock Ranch The Dude (a son of Bob the Blagdon)
and out of: Rock Ranch The May Day Filly
Born: March 28, 2017
Splashy Bay Tobiano
2 Blues eyes, Build Body Bone and beautiful mane and feather
a WONDERFUL addition to our Stallion Line up!
Watch for his foals in 2023:
**DeLaney had a beautiful filly on July 6th, 2023
Photo's shown from the Minnesota Cob and Pony Classic Show in Hinckley, MN at his first ever show in 2022 (pic'd face on) and his 2nd ever show in 2023 (side view).
color/disease testing pending:

Creek Side Sir Special K dob 8-25-22
This special guy is our Tribute to my good friend Kay Peterson, she was well known in the Gypsy community. She and I had talked several times about breeding my little mare Loonagh to her boy Vincent. I wanted to but having 3 of my own stallions I just hadn't. Then one day I told my husband i really wanted to do the breeding and I contacted the owner of the semen from Vincent and then we went through with the breeding. We weren't going to tell Kay about the breeding/pregnancy until the baby was born. Coming home from the vet, with photo's of the ultra-sound I made up a collage of momma, daddy and the little dark blog on the screen (Speical K). We turned Loonagh back out to the herd and I had an overwhelming urge to just PM Kay and chat (not to tell her yet though), so I PM'd her and found out she was fighting for her life from the dreaded illness that year. Finding this out, I had to tell her, give her some Great News and something to keep her fighting, to look forward to......It was not to be, she was taken from us far to soon. So with this event I knew that I had to name this foal something to give Tribute to Kay, so looking up the meaning of the name Kay in female and male version, It was decided to use her name in this foals. We now call him Little K around the farm! He is growing into such a hairy boy, he has the best of Loonagh & Vincent, his splashy black markings from his daddy and the tobiano from Loonagh!